Friday, May 17, 2013

Retaliation by Yasmin Shiraz

After innocent Tashera is jumped by three unknown girls, her family wants revenge  As they search for her attackers, we learn that Tashera was targeted as payback for her boyfriend’s use and dismissal of former girlfriend, Jessica.   Retaliation motivates most characters in this extremely fast-paced and dramatic tale, illustrating the vicious cycle of violence.  Tashera and boyfriend Ahmed attempt to escape the violence via athletic and academic scholarships, not always a possibility for our students.  However, the volume does contain tips for conflict resolution and an interview with the author.  While the pace of events, such as the scheduling of court trials, is unrealistic, students may appreciate the page-turning twists and turns that culminate in tragedy for many that sought retaliation. --Anne Lotito-Schuh

Shiraz, Yasmin. Retaliation: A Novel. Chantilly, VA: Rolling Hills, 2007. Print.

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