Thursday, May 4, 2023

Connections 2023: A free guide for formerly incarcerated people in New York City


This excellent and important guide entitled Connections has been around for a long time and this new edition is the best one yet.  It has wonderful artwork and opening narratives by the  powerful and brilliant voices of Grace Detrevarah, Kelley Harnett, and Terrence Coffie


If you, or those you work with are now incarcerated, or have been, this is the single most important guide to read.   And note if you’re reading this on a digital device, you can access Connections  here, free from the New York Public Library


The 400+ page guide provides  resources for dealing with Covid-19,  housing,  financial assistance, physical and mental health, addiction, legal and immigration issues,  veterans,   women’s and elder issues,  LGBTQI+ issues,  youth needs,  parents and caregivers’ needs, and very importantly offers resources to help with the job search.


Also included is a 2023 calendar, blank pages for notes, and an  index,  with artwork and quotes sprinkled throughout.  Hats off to editor Kate Heenan and the writers for this invaluable volume. Thank you to Sarah Ball and Ricci Yuhico for ensuring it reaches every site at Passages Academy.--Jessica Fenster-Sparber


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