Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Science Ink by Carl Zimmer

“Miss, you got any tattoo books?” is asked at least once a day, every day, here inside Passages’ libraries.  But until now, there have not been any absolutely fabulous tattoo books that marry tattoos and... science.  Thank you Carl Zimmer and Mary Roach!  239 glorious matte color pages of science tattoos make their subjects one of immediate intrigue and coolness.  The handsome hardcover volume includes a half or whole page of text providing context for each tattoo image.  Zimmer gives accessible, well-crafted introductions to the topic along with a few words about the person wearing the tattoo and his or her connection to the subject at hand.  The book is organized by theme with chapters on physics, chemistry, evolution, neuroscience, DNA, and the like.  Back matter includes a handy visual index, as well as information about the authors and a standard index.  Science teachers, rejoice! --Jessica Fenster-Sparber

Zimmer, Carl.  Science Ink.  New York: Sterling, 2011.  Print.

Click here for seventeen slides from the book provided via the New York Times.

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