Thursday, May 5, 2011

Guys Write for Guys Read Edited by Jon Scieszka

Motivating young male readers can be a daunting task, but Jon Scieszka’s Guys Write for Guys Read offers a sparkling and robust antidote. Scieszka, the founder of the “Guys Read” initiative, brings us an anthology of male authors speaking to every aspect of their personal coming-of-age experience. Be it superheroes, sexuality, crime, family, relationships, acne, or school, Guy Write for Guys Read candidly exposes the experiences of male adolescence. Combining fiction, memoir, comic strips, poems, illustrations and jokes, this title will entice a wide variety of readers. But get this, Scieszka’s devised an even more intricate plot; each of the 92 pieces of work in Guys Write for Guys Read is exceptionally brief in length. The authors and illustrators offer just enough to lure the resistant reader in and end each piece with a brief biography and a selected bibliography. --Lisa Buckton

Scieszka, John, ed.. Guys Write for Guys Read. New York: Viking, 2005.

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